AMC Advanced Machinery Components

AMC Advanced Machinery Components

Specialist for rubber block chains, angular bucket elevators and unit load elevators for all industries

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About the company

AMC today is the result of a partnership of various specialists from the following areas:

  • Employees with more than 100 years of combined experience in a wide range of industries in the field of conveyor technology for both general cargo and bulk goods.
  • Experience with the installation of our own systems and spare part deliveries for in-house and external products worldwide.
  • Support from a team with decades of experience in management, purchasing, production and installation in a broad range of industries make the team a reliable, innovative partner.

    Underlying this is the strong ownership structure of AMC with m.schneider Holding GmbH as the majority shareholder and the management.
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m.schneider group

Reliable quality in partnership with all staff, customers, suppliers and partners

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Advice & Planning

Together with you, we plan and develop the right solution for your needs. Different specialists are engaged here for the various areas.

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We work with the latest programmes in the 3D sector. With a coordinated sequence throughout all the processes we achieve the best possible response times and top quality through the entire course of the project.

Manufacturing & Assembly Icon

Production & Installation

With a well-versed, experienced team that is willing to learn, a supplier with decades of reliable service, and a partner and a pool of partners, we operate with quality, speed and efficiency.

Maintenance and service icon

Maintenance & Service

Our highly qualified specialist staff (welding inspections etc.) install new systems in consultation with the customer. In the area of retrofitting (angular bucket elevators, vertical cargo distributors etc.), by using optimised spare parts and with installations at short notice, we quickly help you to be able to use your machine efficiently again.


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